What can I do with a Juris Doctor degree?
I second the person who said you should not pursue a law degree unless you are fairly certain that you want to be a lawyer. That being said, I did see 2–3 people who changed their minds while in law school, finished their degree, and managed to find jobs doing other things, but all of those things were law-related (for example, one was interested in academic administration, and got a job as Assistant Director of Admissions at a law school, and another ended up doing policy-related work in DC, and one ended up working for a company that offers bar prep courses). Read more: Ashley Ro, Attorney. Can I still do many things with a Juris Doctor? April 29, 2017. https://www.quora.com/Can-I-still-do-many-things-with-a-Juris-Doctor. Accessed November 07, 2020. In general, it's much harder if you want to move to a completely different field, and a JD may make some non-law jobs harder to get than they would be with just an undergraduate degree. This is because, far more than an undergrad degr...